


watch the bees be, to remember the way to be

Bees are masters of hard work, diligence, and are extremely intelligent. We learn so much from watching the bees. They are the masters of harmony, collaboration, and never-ending work during their short lifespan. Together we can pave the path back to a natural way of coexistence. We believe that our respect for nature through caring for the land and the welfare of our bees will be rewarded by planet earth.

Therefore, we started with honey to comply with the rules of fair exchange with the environment. We treat bees and honey with the respect they deserve. This sweet starting point is the symbol of an ideal so enormous that it touches everything connected to nature.

The 'Integrity Principle of Nature' is at the core of our vision. Bees are far beyond honey.

“Nature is a whole with all its beings; plants, animals, people, rivers, mountains, plains, seas, air, and water. Everything is more or less interconnected to each other in their survival.”


Acting by this principle, we practice sustainable beekeeping with the traditional methods that our ancestors have applied for centuries. We whole heartedly take this ancient know-how and combine it with the latest scientific developments.

We have shaped our land to become our home with gentle touches that are compatible with nature, and we are proud of being able to present our produces to you in accordance with ethical values.

We always keep in mind that we are not the owner of nature, but a part of it, and that we are fulfilling our duties to collaborate in this balanced exchange with our surroundings for a longer lasting future for our ecosystem.

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