


unity is strength

We truly look forward to sharing our projects and their outcomes attained through our bee-inspired philosophy. We sincerely believe that a path to a better world is through unification for our planet’s ecological issues.

We are inviting you to join us on our nature-inspired projects.


Bee Friendly Kids

Growing up in natural habitats has a profoundly positive effect on the development of children. Beekeeping can be a great benefit and have a huge impact on children. The “Bee Friendly Kids” project will encourage children to look closer at our magnificent bee friends and their world, provide hands-on training in a natural environment with the aim of raising their awareness by emphasizing the importance of bees and other pollinators at an early age. This project is a great opportunity for children to teach them to appreciate the importance of bees and have them take a glance at beekeeping practices while enjoying nature.

The date and details of our “Bee Friendly Kids” project will soon be announced.


SLAP (Sustainable Lyophilized Apilarnil Production) PROJECT:

Sustainable apilarnil production is our Muğla Teknopark referee-approved R&D project. Our aim was and is to create a sustainable area that will increase the health and resilience of our bee colony, thus resulting in attaining apilarnil (bee drone larvae) in the highest quality and the healthiest way possible.


To meet the increasing interest and demand for bee products, new business initiatives have been increasing in Turkey. In this direction, it has become necessary to implement an exemplary business model that will implement sustainable production models and disseminate the idea that "getting higher efficiency is possible with these production methods".

In the migratory beekeeping model, beekeepers pursue nectar in other cities for most of the year and stay in those regions during the production process. In addition to all the effort and time spent on migratory beekeeping, a significant economic expense (accommodation, travel, etc.) is required. Additionaly, the migratory beekeeping sector and honey production were also affected by the damaging effects of climate change or natural disasters such as forest fires in recent years.

On the other hand, migratory beekeeping is not the only option for beekeepers. Stationary beekeeping, non-migratory beekeeping, can be an optional beekeeping model for beekeepers and the production of bee bi-products can be an alternative income. One of our main aims is to show beekeepers that sustainable stationary beekeeping is possible and can be an alternative to migratory beekeeping.

One of the most valuable bee bi-products is bee drone larvae, known as Apilarnil, harvested from the hive at the day of 3-7 from drone cells only in a certain period. Apilarnil is a product with high levels of protein and antioxidant properties due to its rich polyphenol content. Scientific studies have shown that:

  • Apilarnil is rich in sex hormones such as testosterone, prolactin, progesterone and estradiol. Therefore, it has an androgenic effect and may enhance androgenic activity,
  • Apilarnil prevents the loss of glycogen in the muscles and increases body muscle weight. Therefore, it can be consumed as a natural energy supplement for preventing fatigue during and after sports activities.
  • Apilarnil increases the reproductive function of farm animals,
  • Apilarnil increases appetite, reduces stress, and may have positive effects on mental health,
  • Apilarnil can be used as a natural supplement in the treatment of nervous system diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and hormonal system disorders.

Apilarnil, which has numerous benefits in human and animal nutrition, is a valuable product with widespread use in medicine and cosmetics. After being harvested from the hive, it is lyophilized (freeze-dry) for inreasing its shelf life without changing the nutrient content.

Our primary purposes are examplifying a production model for bee products with no chemicals, drugs, pesticides or antibiotics and introducing sustainable stationary beekeeping as an alternative to migratory beekeeping. We believe that our sustainable and traditional beekeeping model will make a great contribution to the beekeeping industry.




We invite all to share this desire and move in the same direction with us in this journey we embarked on by saying, "We want to pay back our debt to nature " to foster their own hive.

While we are in the hustle and bustle of city life, our longing for nature and the desire to contribute to the natural life that is beginning to disappear before our eyes is increasing. At hive republic, we have developed a project that can meet your longings and desires both individually and institutionally.

What we mean by FOSTER BEEKEEPING?

As a foster beekeeper, you are adopting a bee colony, and sponsoring their needs by contributing financially to their hives. When you are not able to be physically present for the bees, we take care of your colony for you on our land.

At the end of the year, we deliver the products we obtain from your hive with our ethical beekeeping methods, and we offer you the opportunity to visit your hive during the year to learn more about beekeeping and contribute to the care of your hive.

The main objectives of this project are:

Reducing the destruction in the ecosystem by increasing the bee population,

Training local women and youth for sustainable beekeeping practices.

Building awareness towards the importance of bees; not only as honey producers but also as balancing agents for our ecosystems and our planet.

Educating children; the potential beekeepers of the future, about the significance of bees and their role as pollinators.

What will you offer?

  • Bee colony
  • Labor and maintenance
  • Transportation
  • Honey and bee products analysis and laboratory
  • Colony health
  • Nutrition and probiotic
  • Harvesting honey
  • Honeycomb, frame renewal and packaging

What will your bee colony offer?

  • 1 tree will be planted in your name or in the name of your company
  • Visibility on our website
  • Branding section to be specially prepared for your name or company in the hives (visibility of the company logo on the hive)
  • 3 kg raw honey

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