Our Home

Our Home


make room for nature

We strongly believe in working hand in hand towards respecting mother nature, and she in return will bless us with her wonders. By taking responsibility for that principle, we have embraced a neglected piece of naturally precious land and called it home. Since then, we work hard to protect and revitalize it to expand its beauty and benefits to the ecosystem.

Our home is located in Muğla, southwest of Turkey. This inviting land surrounded by pine forests is in Çatakbağyaka, a neighborhood close to the center, yet, isolated from all the rush.

To enhance the beauty of our remarkable land and turn it into a suitable home for our colonies, we have contributed to the diversity of natural life by planting more than 9,500 bee-friendly plants on our 16 sqm of land and constructing three ponds for the accumulation of rainwater. The ultimate goal was to convert our land into a magical home, an ecological sanctuary for our bees and ourselves.

Nature provides sustainable livelihoods for people as well as a vital ecosystem balance for the planet: the supply of oxygen, clean air, water, food, pollination of plants and protection from extreme weather events. It is essential for mankind to coerce with nature.

We believe that every little touch to this precious and privileged land we call home enables a rapid recovery of natural life.


2019 yılında arılarımızın yaşamını refah içinde sürdürebilmeleri amacıyla hayata geçirdiğimiz bu oluşum için, konumu sayesinde doğal yaşamın geri kazanılmasını mümkün kılan, etrafı çam ormanlarıyla çevrili 16 dönümlük davetkar arazimize, iyileştirme ve arı dostu bir alan yaratmak amacıyla ilk etapta 10.000’den fazla arı dostu bitki dikimi yaptık. Yeniden canlandırdığımız alanımıza, arılara su kaynağı olması ve karbon ayak izimizi dengeleyebilmek amacıyla yağmur suyunun birikebilmesi için 3 adet gölet açarak doğal hayatın çeşitliliğine katkı sağladık. Alanımızda ihtiyacımız olan elektrik ihtiyacımızı ise tamamen güneş enerjisinden elde ediyoruz. Arıların manyetik alan değişimlerine çok hassas olduklarını bildiğimiz için arazide kullanılması gereken tüm kabloları yer altından geçirdik.

Temel amaçlarımızdan biri, insanın ve teknolojinin yayılmacı etkisiyle çoraklaşan bu değerli bölgede biyoçeşitlilik açısından pozitif bir alan yaratmak.

ecologically and economically cycling model

The words ecology and economy come from the same root word, “oikos” in Greek, meaning “our home”: “eco”. So, our home is our planet. “Logy” means information and “Nomy” means management. It is not possible to make an economy without understanding ecology since good management cannot be achieved without the right knowledge.

In order to progress promptly toward our goal, we created a system in which we transfer most of the earnings towards research, development and the enrichment of the rural areas. We value sharing the knowledge we gained; for it ensures the development of the beekeepers.

We carry out almost all the plantings on our land with endemic seeds and plants from the local region in terms of ecological compatibility. The experience and support of the local workforce for the plantation of our land are of top value for us; for we seek to keep things local for a sustainable future.

One of our main goals is to create an ecological and biodiversity-positive area in this precious region, which is in danger of becoming barren due to the expansionist influence of mankind and technology.

get grounded, relaxed and integrated

You are always welcome in our home to feel the peaceful and healing effect of this fortunate habitat, to meet our happy bees and our attentive team.

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